
Joined 26 May 2011
Revision as of 22:45, 26 May 2011 by CHR15x94 (talk | contribs) (Created my page.)
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Hey there. I'm CHR15x94. You probably haven't heard of me, and that's because I haven't really made or done anything useful to contribute to the hacking/homebrew community before. The only semi interesting thing I've made is a half-ass GameBoy (monochrome) emulator, which can be found on EmuTalk (build's old though). I'll create and edit pages here on 3DBrew when I can.

Some sites you may have seen me on:
- EmuTalk - Made a couple posts in the Programming section. Posted a GameBoy emulator I did (about a year old, build is old, contains bugs, most of which I fixed a few days after release)
- YouTube - Posted a couple useless videos
- XboxHacker - Signed up to view a few threads. Was thinking of doing a something 360 related, but found the 360 rather dull
- Probably others - I have a crappy memory :P

I don't currently have a 3DS, but plan on getting one later on this year. Will certainly do some homebrew dev if I can, maybe some other things. Anything I do will probably be emulation related.