Socket Services

Revision as of 00:37, 29 April 2014 by Bond697 (talk | contribs)

Socket service "soc:U"

Command Header Description
0x00010044 InitializeSockets
0x000200C2 socket
0x00030082 listen
0x00040082 accept
0x00050084 bind
0x00060084 connect
0x00070104 recvfrom_other
0x00080102 recvfrom
0x00090106 sendto_other
0x000A0106 sendto
0x000B0042 close
0x000C0082 shutdown
0x000D0082 gethostbyname
0x000E00C2 gethostbyaddr
0x000F0106 This resolves the IP address(es) for the specified host-name.
0x00110102 getsockopt
0x00120104 setsockopt
0x001300C2 fcntl
0x00140084 poll
0x00160000 gethostid
0x00170082 getsockname
0x00190000 ShutdownSockets

struct sockaddr

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1 Total size of the entire sockaddr buffer.
0x1 0x1 u8 sa_family
0x2 sockaddr_totalsize-0x2 sa_data[]

The total buffer size is 0x8, for family AF_INET value 2. AF_INET6 seems to be value 23, the total sockaddr size for this is 0x1C. The max sockaddr buffer size which the socket module can handle is size 0x1C.