Nintendo 3DS Sound

Revision as of 07:59, 18 November 2012 by Henke37 (talk | contribs) (other supported format)

Nintendo 3DS Sound is the music playing and audio recording application that is included with all retail consoles.

It loads audio files from the sd card. It supports MP3 and AAC encoded audio files and supports m3u playlists.

Playlist file format

The application allows for user created playlists. They are stored on the SD card.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 Magic bytes, 'O', 'V', 'A', 'F' or "FAVO" endian corrected.
0x4 0x4 Always integer with value 16
0x8 0x4 Seems static?
0xC 0x4 Zero Padding
0x10 0x2 Varies?
0x12 0x2 Icon
0x14 0x2 Song file count
0x20 0x100 Playlist name stored in UTF-16
0x120+n*size 692 File name stored in UTF-16. Repeats for the rest of the file.