
Index Word Description
0 Header code [0x00080142]
1 Virtual addr for the input buffer.
2 Physical addr, normally the above vaddr converted to physaddr.
3 Buffer byte-size.
4 Sequence-number / ID. The range normally used for this is 0x0..0x12. This value starts at 0x0, after value 0x12 is used the value that would be used for the next one is reset to zero.
5 When non-zero this enables some sort of speed-up. With SKATER this seems to be always zero regardless of the user-specified playback speed.
6 Value 0x0
7 KProcess handle


Index Word Description
0 Header code
1 Resultcode


This processes the specified NAL-unit. This seems to always start with the 3-byte NAL prefix(00 00 01). Following that is the actual NAL-unit.

After the parameter-set initialization, each time this command is used it can't be used again until MVDSTD:ControlFrameRendering type0 finishes operations.

This is only used for H.264, not color-conversion.