NS and APT Services

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Revision as of 02:28, 17 February 2013 by Neimod (talk | contribs)
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The NS system module is the first module launched from a NAND title after the core processes sm, fs, pm, loader, and pxi are loaded. This module is launched by the pm process, with the titleID loaded from NSTID. NS first launches ErrDisp, then the menu. On retail the menu TID is loaded from MENUTID, while on dev/debug the menu TID is loaded from config. The TID of the launched menu is then written to ACTIVEMENUTID. NS uses pm:app to launch titles.

Like home menu NS is constantly running while the system is in 3DS-mode.

Alternate menu

When launching the regular menu fails, NS will then attempt to launch the alternate menu. This title could be used as a recovery process, however it normally doesn't exist on retail.

NS Service "ns:s"

Command Header Description
0x000200C0 LaunchTitle

NS Service "APT:U"

Command Header Description
0x000B0040 GetSignalType

APT Service

Command Header Description
0x00010040 GetLockHandle
0x00020080 Initialize
0x00030040 Enable
0x00040040 Finalize
0x00050040 GetAppletManInfo
0x00060040 GetAppletInfo
0x00070000 GetLastSignaledAppletId
0x00080000 CountRegisteredApplet
0x00090040 IsRegistered
0x000A0040 GetAttribute
0x000B0040 InquireNotification
0x000C0104 SendParameter
0x000D0080 ReceiveParameter
0x000E0080 GlanceParameter
0x000F0100 CancelParameter
0x001000c2 DebugFunc
0x001100C0 MapProgramIdForDebug
0x00120040 SetHomeMenuAppletIdForDebug
0x00130000 GetPreparationState
0x00140040 SetPreparationState
0x00150140 PrepareToStartApplication
0x00160040 PreloadLibraryApplet
0x00170040 FinishPreloadingLibraryApplet
0x00180040 PrepareToStartLibraryApplet
0x00190040 PrepareToStartSystemApplet
0x001A0000 PrepareToStartNewestHomeMenu
0x001B00C4 StartApplication
0x001C0000 WakeupApplication
0x001D0000 CancelApplication
0x001E0084 StartLibraryApplet
0x001F0084 StartSystemApplet
0x00200044 StartNewestHomeMenu
0x00210000 OrderToCloseApplication
0x00220040 PrepareToCloseApplication
0x00230040 PrepareToJumpToApplication
0x00240044 JumpToApplication
0x002500C0 PrepareToCloseLibraryApplet
0x00260000 PrepareToCloseSystemApplet
0x00270044 CloseApplication
0x00280044 CloseLibraryApplet
0x00290044 CloseSystemApplet
0x002A0000 OrderToCloseSystemApplet
0x002B0000 PrepareToJumpToHomeMenu
0x002C0044 JumpToHomeMenu
0x002D0000 PrepareToLeaveHomeMenu
0x002E0044 LeaveHomeMenu
0x002F0040 PrepareToLeaveResidentApplet
0x00300044 LeaveResidentApplet
0x00310100 PrepareToDoApplicationJump
0x00320084 DoApplicationJump
0x00330000 GetProgramIdOnApplicationJump
0x00340084 SendDeliverArg
0x00350080 ReceiveDeliverArg
0x00360040 LoadSysMenuArg
0x00370042 StoreSysMenuArg
0x00380040 PreloadResidentApplet
0x00390040 PrepareToStartResidentApplet
0x003A0044 StartResidentApplet
0x003B0040 CancelLibraryApplet
0x003C0042 SendDspSleep
0x003D0042 SendDspWakeUp
0x003E0080 ReplySleepQuery
0x003F0040 ReplySleepNotificationComplete
0x00400042 SendCaptureBufferInfo
0x00410040 ReceiveCaptureBufferInfo
0x00420080 SleepSystem
0x00430040 NotifyToWait
0x00440000 GetSharedFont
0x00450040 GetWirelessRebootInfo
0x00460104 Wrap
0x00470104 Unwrap
0x00480100 GetProgramInfo
0x00490180 Reboot
0x004A0040 GetCaptureInfo
0x004B00C2 AppletUtility
0x004C0000 SetFatalErrDispMode
0x004D0080 GetAppletProgramInfo
0x004E0000 HardwareResetAsync

These applet services can handle launching "applets", APT:U handles signaling for home/power button as well.

NS Service "APT:S"