Difference between revisions of "ACI:GetConnectingNetworkMtu"

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If 3DS is connected to Internet return current access point MTU value.
Return the current access point to MTU value.
If 3DS isn't connected to Internet return last connected access point MTU value.(If 3DS has never connected any access point return 0)
If the 3DS is connected to the internet, return current access point MTU value.
If the 3DS isn't connected to the internet, return last connected access point MTU value.
(If the 3DS has never connected to any access point return 0)

Revision as of 16:46, 4 November 2019


Index Word Description
0 Header code [0x04A20000]


Index Word Description
1 Result code
2 MTU value.


Return the current access point to MTU value. If the 3DS is connected to the internet, return current access point MTU value. If the 3DS isn't connected to the internet, return last connected access point MTU value. (If the 3DS has never connected to any access point return 0)


Handle share_ac_handle;

u32* cache_buffer = getThreadCommandBuffer();

srvGetServiceHandle(&share_ac_handle, "ac:i");

cache_buffer[0] = IPC_MakeHeader(0x4A2, 0, 0); // 0x04A20000


printf("Result : 0x%lx", cache_buffer[1]);

printf("MTU value : %ld", cache_buffer[2]);