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CLAN (.bclan) is the layout animation format used on the 3DS. It stands for (Binary) CTR Layout Animation, and is similar to the RLAN format used on the Wii.


Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x4 String Signature (CLAN)
0x04 0x2 UInt16 Byte Order Mark
0x06 0x2 UInt16 Header Length
0x08 0x4 UInt32 Revision
0x0C 0x4 UInt32 File Size
0x10 0x4 UInt32 Nr Sections

pat1 (Pattern 1)

Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x4 String Signature (pat1)
0x04 0x4 UInt32 Section Size
0x08 0x4 UInt32 Flags?
0x0C 0x4 UInt32 ?
0x10 0x4 Int32 ?
0x14 0x4 UInt32 ?
0x18 0x10 String Pattern name

pai1 (Pattern Instruction? 1)

Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x4 String Signature (pai1)
0x04 0x4 UInt32 Section Size
0x08 0x4 UInt32 ?
0x0C 0x4 UInt32 Flags?
0x10 0x4 UInt32 Nr entries?
0x14 0x4 UInt32 Entries offset (relative to pai1)

Instruction? entry

Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x14 String Target panel name
0x14 0x4 UInt32 Flags?
0x18 0x4 UInt32 Animation entry offset (relative to entry)
0x1C 0x4 UInt32 ? (if flag bit 1 is set)

Animation entry

Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x4 String Animation type
Name Description
CLPA CTR Layout PAne SRT (Scale/Rotate/Translate) animation.
CLTS CTR Layout Texture SRT animation.
CLVI CTR Layout VIsibility animation.
CLVC CTR Layout Vertex Color animation.
CLMC CTR Layout Material Color animation.
CLTP CTR Layout Texture Pattern animation.
0x04 0x1 UInt8 Nr of animations
0x05 0x3 UInt8[3] Padding
? ? ? ?

See also