Codec Services

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HID Codec "cdc:HID"

Command Header Description
0x00010000 GetTouchData
0x00020000 Initialize
0x00030000 Finalize


The touchscreen is the SPI device number 3, so it uses the 0x10142XXX SPI registers. It is initialized by issuing the following SPI commands:

spi_select_reg(3, 0x67);
spi_offset_mask(3, 0x26, 0x80, 0x80);
spi_select_reg(3, 0x67);
spi_offset_mask(3, 0x24, 0, 0x80);
spi_select_reg(3, 0x67);
spi_offset_mask(3, 0x25, 0x10, 0x3C);

MIC Codec "cdc:MIC"

Command Header Description

CSN Codec "cdc:CSN"

Command Header Description

DSP Codec "cdc:DSP"

Command Header Description

Legacy Codec "cdc:LGY"

Command Header Description

CHK Codec "cdc:CHK"

Command Header Description