
From 3dbrew
Revision as of 20:12, 15 December 2016 by TuxSH (talk | contribs)
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Size : 0x18 bytes

Offset Type Description
0x0 KThread * Pointer to KThread object this KDebugThread is linked to
0x4 u8 Indicates that svcBreak was used
0x5 u8 Indicates that the thread is locked from debug features
0x6 u8 Indicates that the thread shall be locked from debug features
0x7 u8 For SCHEDULE IN/OUT debug events: 0 for IN, 1 for OUT
0x8 u8 For SYSCALL IN/OUT debug events: 0 for IN, 1 for OUT
0x9 u8 Indicates that a CREATE THREAD debug was signaled
0xA u8[2] Padding ?
0xC u32 Thread exit reason
0x10 u32 ID of the current thread (?)
0x14 u32 Fault Address Register (when applicable)