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├── DCIM 目录
└── Nintendo 3DS 目录
    ├── <ID0>
    │   └── <ID1>
    │       ├── SD数据备份
    │       ├── dbs
    │       ├── extdata
    │       ├── title
    │       └── Nintendo DSiWare
    └── Private
  • 存储在sdmc/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>目录下的所有数据都是console-unique keyslots加密的, 存储在 nand/data/<ID0> 目录下的文件只用于MAC keyslots. 这些目录的CTR文件都使用 nand/private/movable.sed 初始化keyslots.
  • ID0 是SHA256 hash 的前 0x10-bytes from .
  • ID1是从SD卡初始化创建的CID获得的。从CID生存目录名,首先把生成该目录名称的CID翻转8位到左边,然后每个U16以下表所示的方式加密:
Input rotated CID u16 index Output CID u16 index
6 0
7 1
4 2
5 3
2 4
3 5
0 6
1 7

DCIM - Nintendo 3DS Camera拍摄的相片和影片存储在这里. 网络浏览器下载的图像也存储在这里。

Note: 播放/录制 (3D)视频是在3.0.0-5系统新增的功能.3D视频是MJPG编码的avi格式的文件。

SD数据备份 - 这个目录包含了SD Title 的数据备份。欲了解更多信息,请参阅SD数据备份

dbs - 包含安装于SD卡中title相关的数据库. 这些文件是加密的,详见Title Database

title - 安装于SD卡中的title.这个目录的所有数据是 keyslot console-unique加密的. SD卡中的title列表可以在 Title list 查看. title数据结构的更多信息,请参阅 Title Data Structure

Nintendo DSiWare - DSiWare titles 详见 exported



/Nintendo 3DS/<SomeID>/<SomeID>/extdata/00000000
00000082 - eShop - JPN (Unconfirmed)
0000008f - Some 2.0.0-2 data, unknown doesn't appear in extdata management.
00000098 - eShop - EUR (Unconfirmed)
00000207 - Mii Maker - JPN 
0000020d - Face Raiders - JPN
00000210 - Some 2.0.0-2 data, unknown doesn't appear in extdata management.
00000217 - Mii Maker - USA
00000219 - eShop USA
0000021d - Face Raiders - USA
00000227 - Mii Maker - EUR
0000022d - Face Raiders - EUR
0000030c - Nintendogs + Cats - EUR
00000326 - Pokédex 3D - EUR
0000032d - Super Street Fighter IV 3D - USA
0000033b - Ridge Racer 3D - EUR
0000033c - Super Street Fighter IV 3D - EUR
0000034d - Samurai Warriors Chronicles - USA
00000358 - Ridge Racer 3D - USA
0000038a - Dead or Alive Dimensions - EUR
00000481 - Monster Hunter Tri G (Download-Quests) - JPN
000004aa - Nintendo Video - USA
000004ab - Nintendo Video - EUR

所有extdata下的附加数据(extra data)都是加密的。尽管这些文件使用类似于闪存(FLASH)存档的0xFF区块,附加数据却不能用对待闪存存档的异或操作来解密。所有附加数据文件都不能被拷贝到别的3DS的SD卡上,它们被锁在3DS本体上。(straybirdsnest注:保存了一台3DS附加数据的SD卡直接(或者拷贝到另外的SD卡后)插入到另外一台3DS上无法被识别,猜测原文是指这个。)

(All "extra data" under extdata is encrypted. Although these files use 0xFF blocks similar to FLASH saves, extdata can't be decrypted with the xorpad fail like FLASH saves. All "extra data" files can't be copied to other 3DS SD cards, they are locked to the console.)

import.db 与 title.db[edit]

6月更新后,文件夹结构有了细微变化。你会在 /Nintendo 3DS/<SomeID>/<SomeID>/ 的exetdata旁找到"dbs"和"title"文件夹。"dbs"文件夹包含两个文件:import.db和title.db——用途目前不明。import.db似乎包含来自DSiWare SRL的数据。


(The data at the beginning of the file is encrypted, but the rest is cleartext. This file is always 3.1MB, thus this doesn't contain the whole SRL for most DSiWare. The data stored here is not ordered the same way as the src SRL: ARM7 code, ARM9 code, and data are mixed together. The file can contain data from DSiWare that wasn't installed, only listed on the src DSi for DSiWare transfer. (This file is likely some temporary data storage used for DSiWare install etc).)



/title/00040000/ 包含 eshop 下载的数据 (有人能帮忙查证和加上地区吗?):
00032600 - Pokedex 3D - EUR (verified)
00042a00 - Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening - EUR
0004ab00 - Nintendo Video - EUR
00052000 - Let's Golf 3D - EUR
00054300 - 3D Classics Excitebike - USA
00054e00 - 3D Classics Excitebike - EUR (verified)
00054300 - 3D Classics Excitebike - USA
00045C00 - 3D Classics Excitebike - JPN


上面的游戏标题文件(title directories)包含两个目录: content 和 data 。content 包含 00000000.tmd、.app文件,某些cmd目录包含 00000001.cmd,所有这些文件都使用一个本体唯一的密钥(console-unique key)加密。data目录包含 00000001.sav,这是游戏标题(title)的加密游戏存档。尽管这些存档看起来很像闪存游戏存档,但是它们对文件内每个AES块使用了唯一的CTR,而CTR在每个游戏存档写入的时候又会改变。重命名这些游戏存档文件将引起主菜单在启动游戏(title)时挂起(hang),修改存档将像游戏卡带闪存存档一样抛出checksum/hash错误。

(The above title directories contain two dirs: content and data. content contains 00000000.tmd, .app files, and some cmd dir containing 00000001.cmd, all of which are encrypted with a console-unique key. The data dir contains 00000001.sav, this is the title's encrypted savegame. Although these saves look similar to FLASH savegames, these savegames use proper unique CTR for each AES block in the file, and the CTR properly changes for each savegame write. Renaming these savegames causes home-menu to hang while launching titles, modifying saves throws the usual checksum/hash corruption like gamecard flash saves.)

重命名content文件夹下任意文件或目录的时候,主菜单上的图标仍会被显示。修改这些文件与重命名有同样效果。重命名cmd文件夹下的cmd文件,或 ,则3D标题会消失。重命名cmd目录或目录下的文件时,主菜单会拒绝运行游戏程序,说明书(译者注:即菜单里的软件说明书,3DSware和马里奥大陆3D这样的游戏会自带)将无法工作。(会显示“SD卡未插入”的黑屏)。重命名 00000001.app时,说明书将不会被载入,因此 .app 可能是说明书?主 二进制文件被重命名的时候,无法启动该游戏程序,并且显示说明书的地方将显示游戏程序的图标和标题。(译者注:这段按本人理解翻译,有兴趣的可以亲自试验一下,记得先备份SD卡内容)重命名tmp文件夹里面的文件将不会引起主菜单的任何改变。

(When renaming any of these files/dir under content, the icon in home-menu is still displayed. Modifying any of these files has same result as renaming them. When renaming the cmd dir/cmd file, or, the 3D banner isn't displayed. When renaming the cmd dir or the file contained in that dir, home-menu will refuse to run the title, and the manual will not work.(will display the black screen saying sdcard isn't inserted) Manual won't load when is renamed, so that .app might be the manual? When the main binary is renamed, the title will not launch and in the manual placeholder text is used for the title name/icon. Home-menu doesn't care at all when tmd is renamed.)



/Nintendo 3DS/Private/<Title ID Low>/
00020400 - Nintendo 3DS Camera 
00020500 - Nintendo 3DS Sound

camera private 目录是 phtcache.bin. 想在3DS放入并能查看图片的时候,重命名为8位数字的mpo文件并保存到/DCIM目录下。 sound private 目录是 voice/XX/*.m4a. 这里的XX是01-10,存储为m4a文件.