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that is what the unknown functions do

pdn:g(u8 a0,u8 a1,u8 a2) { if((a1 | a2) & ~a0) { u32 temp = a0; if(!temp) temp = 0x10000; if(a2)*(u32*)(0x1ec41200) = (a1^0x1) | temp; else *(u32*)(0x1ec41200) = 0x7E | (a1^0x1)| temp; if(a1 | a2) { wait(4); *(u32*)(0x1ec41200) = 0x7F | temp; } return 1; //worked } else { return 0; //error Invalid argument } }

pdn:d(u8 a0,u8 a1,u8 a2) { u8 temp = a0 & ~a2; if(temp) { *(u8*)(0x1ec41230) = (a1^0x1) | temp << 1; if(a1 & a2) { wait(0x10); *(u8*)(0x1ec41230) = 0x1 | a0 << 1; } return 1; //worked } else { return 0; //error Invalid argument } }