The Old3DS+New3DS 11.17.0-50 system update was released on May 23, 2023 (UTC). This Old3DS update was released for the following regions: USA, EUR, and JPN. This New3DS update was released for the following regions: USA, EUR, and JPN.

Security flaws fixed: yes.


Official USA change-log:

  • Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.

System Titles

The following titles were updated: CVer/NVer, System Settings, eShop, Home Menu, 0004001B00018002 (Web browser Data).

System Settings

Mset can now display the full DSiWare export banner string length without crashing the stack. This fixes a nearly 4 year-old exploit, Bannerbomb3.

See Also

System update report(s):