The Old3DS+New3DS 11.17.0-50 system update was released on May 23, 2023 (UTC). This Old3DS update was released for the following regions: USA, EUR, and JPN. This New3DS update was released for the following regions: USA, EUR, and JPN.

Security flaws fixed: yes.


Official USA change-log:

  • Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.

System TitlesEdit

The following titles were updated: CVer/NVer, System Settings, eShop, Home Menu (USA-only), 0004001B00018002 (Web browser Data).

System SettingsEdit

Mset can now display the full DSiWare export banner string length without corrupting the stack. This fixes a nearly 4 year-old exploit, Bannerbomb3.

The codebin in ExeFs was updated. RomFs only had localization updated, for USA-region this is: "/message_US_LZ.bin".


The codebin in ExeFs was updated. No RomFs changes.

Home MenuEdit

The codebin in ExeFs was updated. No RomFs changes.

Code was added to POST a JSON to with some privacy related settings. This mimics what the european Home Menu had been doing for some time. It's currently unknown if there are any more changes.


RomFs changes:

  • "/index_US_English.html", "/index_US_French.html", "/index_US_Portuguese.html", "/index_US_Spanish.html" updated
  • "/json/message_US_English.json", "/json/message_US_French.json", "/json/message_US_Portuguese.json", "/json/message_US_Spanish.json" updated
  • "/version.txt" updated

See AlsoEdit

System update report(s):