TypePC utility


To use this tool, proper keys need to be supplied. For developer-unit keys, you need to be an official Nintendo 3DS developer, and have access to the official Nintendo 3DS SDK. For retail-unit keys, don't even bother.

Notes from users

This application may not generate completely perfect files yet.


Over the past weeks I have been working on Project CiTRUS (citrus). Currently this tool boasts the capability to output "proper" Nintendo 3DS (CTR) BaNneR and ICoN files using my XBSF format.

You may notice that creating these formats is not yet available in any other released tool. Over the course of time I will do my best to add creating new formats of 3DS files among various other calculations if I see users are liking the program.

If you have v0.1 please update it! There are new bug fixes, GUI changes, and updates! It is also more n00b compliant than the previous version. (now has a lot of help text)

I do not include an editor for the image formats, however, I do include an example of each required file for generating a test banner/icon. I do this not to troll, but rather in the hopes that it will encourage other talented users to make programs for the 3DS.


Since v0.2, a readme is not really necessary anymore. I've included helpful text inside each tab in the CiTRUS window to do things on-the-fly without needing to switch between notepad and CiTRUS.


  • 1x XBSF (Xtended Banner Specifications(Spec) File)
  • 2x CTPK (CTR Texture PacKage)
  • 1x BCWAV (Banner CTR Wave)
  • 1x CBMD (CTR Banner Model Data)


  • 1x BNR (Optional)
  • 1x ICN (Optional)


I don't think there is any, but since this is a beta please report to me if there are issues that come about!


3/1/2012 @ 17:02 PST

I am proud to reveal what this upcoming project is today.

It has come to my attention that there is no GBATemp Homebrew Bounty. At the time of writing the news above (~3 weeks ago) I was under the impression it would happen again.

Regardless by saying "at" I was implying "by". I will still release this next version, to be dubbed "CiTRUS Ultimate". Currently I do not have an estimate of when the release will be exactly, but I am hoping for sometime next week since I am getting positive results.

I know, due to the nature of how I am "unknown" to the scene, I may be considered a liar or fraud. To assure you that I am honest with my work I will enclose a download to a work-in-progress 3DS-mode Homebrew ("Hello World") CXI I developed using CiTRUS Ultimate.

I understand some of the misinformed users of gbatemp may think this is developer-only but in fact it can be retail signed, provided the right RSA keys. In my demo, I used a fake RSA key. When using this program, I provide you an option to specify your own RSA keys for signing. No illegal keys will be provided. The CXI is a format used by both retail and developer 3DS's, not just developer!

This tool is practically for developer-units only.

Please note that this CXI has not been tested for loading but it has valid structure, a valid ExeFS (contains ARM11 code, banner, icon, and logo) and has been accepted in transformations to other formats. To the best of my knowledge this is very close to a proper CXI, if not a proper one already.

In the initial release of this new feature in CiTRUS I will only include very simple options, but if I see users are enjoying this program I will add more to it.

In case some of you wonder, this does not have a RomFS. I admit I have not delved into that yet.

Currently this has the capability to enable debug modes, sign[-], hash, and create CXI files out of an ELF/AXF to the best of my knowledge.

[-] = RSA key is required for retail/developer signatures.


Version 0.2:

  • Fix: "Polish" changed "Portuguese"
  • Fix: Can now Set region to Taiwan
  • Fix: Can now Set rating to true
  • Add: Colour scheme of menu items to match colour scheme menu bar
  • Add: ComboBox for regions and ratings
  • Add: Checkboxes instead of true/false typing
  • Add: Automatic saving before building
  • Add: Banner writing progress bar/notification of finishing
  • Add: Help box incorporated into each tab (except title name/publisher tabs because those are not so complicated)
  • Add: Name now reflects what's on here (CiTRUS) and version number (v0.2)