IDBE is Nintendo's title icon database. Entries contain title icon, region, and name (in various languages). All game titles are on the server (excluding DSiWare?), including demos and updates.


%02X seems to always be 0x10 (?)

%016llX is the title id.

%d is an optional title version.


The icon database is encrypted with AES-128 CBC. All icons use the same IV and one of 4 possible keys (as specified by the key index in the header).

The IV/keys are likely hardcoded on the 3DS, but not sure where. They are also on the WiiU.


Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1 ? (usually zero)
0x1 0x1 Key index
0x2 0x36D0 Encrypted data

Encrypted Data

Icon data is uncompressed RGB565.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x20 SHA256 hash
0x20 0x10 ?
0x30 0x4 Region bit flags (u32 little endian)
0x34 0x1C ?
0x50 + i * 0x200 0x200 Language chunk where i = language index
0x2050 0x480 24x24 Icon data
0x24D0 0x1200 48x48 Icon data

Language Chunk

Data in these chunks use UTF-16 encoding.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x80 Short title
0x80 0x100 Long title
0x180 0x80 Publisher